I came to think that it could be a good idea to exchange ideas and setups, and offer some insight into how different shaman play their game. Take myself for instance - for me it's mostly about having as many tools available as possible, relaxing and fun gameplay and feeling the my effort matters, regardless of what I'm currently doing. And the latest patches really made a difference in that department. (please bare with me if this post isn't too informative, eh heh)
After the mouse patch, I haven't playing in fullscreen mode a second. I started by resizing my desktop to 1792 X 1344 pixels, in order tp place my 1600 X 1200 EQ window in the middle of the desktop. No more jumping in and out of fullscreen mode, freezing up the game and whathaveyounot just to look up an item or Quest or the lastest posts on these boards.
Then there is the new UI. I combined it with my old, and assigned a lot of keys, so that most actions are just a keystroke away:
1: Fast heal [/g Casting fast heal on %T. Please stay in range...]
2: Canni
3: Clicky Root pants
4: Balance of the Nihil [with a note to shaman channel on raids or just a /pet attack in groups]
5: Malos [/g casting Malos on %T. or just a note to shaman channel on raids]
6: Assist
7: Nothing when soloing or raiding. Spirit of the Jaguar in groups.
8: Letting group or raid channel know that mob has been slowed.
9: HoT
10: Canni AA
Numpad Keys:
1: /target Raidleader
2: Clicky Levitation
3: /Pet Report (I never use it, so have to put something else there)
4: /target Raid MT
5: Clicky Skellie Illusion (I muselook, and click my illusion whenever I need to center the screen)
6: /corpsedrop
7: /target ST or MA
8: /corpsedrag
9: AE slow while letting group and raid channel know what I'm doing, so that someone can snatch the aggro
0: Turgur' Insects and a note to shaman channel
Delete: Clicky Heal Potion
Page Down: /em the papertank is dancing with %t. Feel free to switch partners...[my Dance of Death emoticon, you have no idea how many times I'm "offtanking" the adds on raids while all the other tanks are assisting the MT
And lastly, the Audio Triggers. a heavensent for someone like me. Now I only need to pay attention to the imortant stuff, while the triggers keep me updated on the battle spam and such:
This is my silent Audio Trigger.
Some other sounds I have not yet put to use (I have downloaded literally hundreds after Audio Triggers was introduced)
And so on and so on.....
Finally, a couple of screenshots of my UI:
<a href="http://home.broadpark.no/~ggisvold/images/Enormious01.JPG" target="_blank" class="postlink"><img src="http://home.broadpark.no/~ggisvold/images/Enormiousthumb01.JPG" border="0" /></a><br>
<a href="http://home.broadpark.no/~ggisvold/images/Enormious02.JPG" target="_blank" class="postlink"><img src="http://home.broadpark.no/~ggisvold/images/Enormiousthumb02.JPG" border="0" /></a>
In the hopes that this could serve as some kind of source for inspiration, and that others might have something to share as well,