Slot 1: Change BodyType to Animal
Slot 3: Increase Damage Taken from 1H Blunt by 5%
Slot 4: Increase Damage Taken from 2H Blunt by 5%
Slot 5: Increase Chance to Hit with 1H Blunt by -2%
Slot 1: works - thankfully rangers' heartsting and other classes' crap isn't really affected by bodytype
Slot 5:
Does not appear to reduce mob's DPS. Letalone as much as Enchanter's Cripple. I submit this may be because most mobs in EQ do not use 1hb skill check.
The blunt damage (Slots 3 and 4) does appear to work however. Some of the time. I don't really care too much about them.
Highly situational - I can't cast this on just any mob in the game, only certain kinds. There is no rhyme or reason as to what mobs I can cast it on either - some vmapyrs yes, some vampyres no. Some clockworks yes, some clockworks no. and I have no proper cripple corrollary
Dereases mob's attack indirectly, decreases mob's ability to dodge indirectly, decreases mob's AC, and decreases the mob's chance of successfully dual wielding in any given combat round.
That's the spell line they discontinued for shaman in favor of the broken feralisis