by Shillingworth » Sat Nov 27, 2010 5:00 pm
When I got mine, a necro guildmate showed me some tricks to the two main rooms he spawns in (big room inside on deck level, and the one next to it). The guy in center you can back into the corner of the bookshelf right behind him, long as you stay on top of keeping yourself positioned there you will be safe from adds. The guy in the corner across from him diagonally you can park in the corner. Then straight across from that one in the corner again, just be careful not to push it to far out or you'll agro the ones around corner. Then in the room next to it (towards the front of the ship), you can pacify whichever one spawns blue/white, pull the other right into the room where the other three were by staying somewhat near the second mentioned, same deal with the one you pacified. Basically put the idea is to move to the ones that have the worst pathing issues, only pull the ones that have safer pathing; always be invis when not fighting. The named is only marginally stronger than the normal mobs, just do not let him get behind you, he can and most likely will drop you like a fly if he gets behind you. We pretty much got screwed on the weapon, it's crazy rare, good idea to line up some caster friends for the common drop because you will see it a lot.