by knytul » Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:20 pm
I may be an old bat who died in the pally carfire awhile ago, but when i played Paladin, i remember having HUGE agro competitions with ALL classes. SK's were the class that if they wanted agro, it was theres and screw you if you wanted it from them. Warriors could take agro at any second, but sucked at sustaining over other tank classes who wanted it. Paladins however, had the ability to take the agro within 1-5 seconds if they wanted it, but once they got it, unless they Divine Aura'd, it was a pain in the ass to drop the agro.
Point being, Controlling agro generation, is quite easy for a Good Paladin. Each paladin should be able to make the determination of how good or bad the warrior they are grouped with are, and determine just how aggressive the paladin can be in the group in regards to healing and dps'n. You should be able to say, ok this warrior is dishing out like, 5000 hate to maintain agro. Im gonna set myself up to 4900 agro so if he falls, it immediately comes on me, however i wont cross 5000 so he doesnt lose agro.
That was the mentality i always followed. I didnt need no damn "casting order" or any of that crap. This isnt World of Warcraft. Feel it. If you can swap a mask and add an extra nuke, go for it. But make sure you are generating enough agro so if the warrior dies, your agro doesnt suck so bad that the mob goes straight for the healer. Paladins "were" a class where used your instincts to know when to heal, who to heal, where to heal, when to start building agro, how to build agro, how much dps to dish out.
So, i doubt the game has changed that much. So the best advice i can share that SHOULD be the same: Use Your Instincts, not some guide. Advice is good from other players, but dont follow what they say to a T. You arent them, thus cant reproduce the same results they do. Take their advice and add it into your game, making yourself a better player.