by Alisulienn » Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:06 pm
I did raid for quite a bit - although the last few years I played I became much more of a casual player (kids....). Last expansion played was the Serpent's Spine.
Interestingly, it all became very familiar in a matter of a few hours. That familiar feeling, perhaps aided by the familiar soundtrack and settings - made me 'feel at home' rather quickly. I got myself a fighter merc and have parked myself in The Hole. Though I suspect I'll have to move elsewhere as all I got were light blue cons. Someone in the Paladin chat channel mentioned Veksar as an alternative.
I have no maps, so I'm mostly going by memory and asking random players I see around. Grabbed some updated armor pieces at the Bazaar and I'm looking forward to logging back in tonight.
It's good to be back.