by Stephen51 » Sun Apr 29, 2012 5:00 pm
BugsNone I can think of.
Spell issues
Mark of Ragan - Combine it with other Mark line, and have both fire as seperate debuffs- Other Mark usually lasts the whole fight, whereas this one doesnt - hard to justify the spell slot for it.
Zealous Touch - I hardly use it. At one time Pallies were required to help heal on raids, but heals are so inefficient compared to pure healers its doesnt happen now. Needs a re-think.
Abolish the Undead - Memming this spell actually reduces our dps - Make the casting time instant or 0.5 and make the recast 1.5 or 2 secs.
Righteous Audacity - Was thankful for something new other than a heal, but this just doesnt seem worth memming, its too weak. Again as we didnt get an extra spell gem this expansion its hard to justify including it in the line up. Needs beefing up or re-think or make it an AA.
Avowed Keeper - Bsty Focus lasts about the same length of time as our Credence copy - thats about 50% of its Shaman counterpart. AK is about 20% the duration of Credence. Make it 2hrs (about 40%) in duration.
Symbol of Erillion - Less useful due to the introduction of cleric mercs. Make this a spell package cast like Shammy focus - Cast Symbol and the AC buff.
Brilliant Light- Like Zealous Touch - but more so, useless spell these days.
Brells - got a nice hp upgrade this go, but needs something. AC seems to be a dirty word with Pally spells - lets change that.
Contrition - A good spell for an emergency heal - but then you have the re-cast and once again, only so many spell gems. Other hybrid classes get much more AA reducing timers etc. Could use such an AA, say 10 secs per rank. Otherwise it should be switched to an AA line instead.
Rejuvilating Steel - Terrible. I have an idea for a new spell line. More later.
Protective Dedication - Melee guard is not compatible with vie, and is not as good, needs to be adjusted as its not really much use for the mana cost at the moment.
Aurora of Splendor - Is listed as a fast heal. Cast time is 3 seconds. It has a fast recast. Would prefer the cast/recast switched.
Zealous Fury - Some time ago, this line was to have dmg for all mobs, and an extra component for undead, but it never worked and SOE gave up trying to fix it. We have 3 or 4 spells now that have an extra component for undead, I think they could fix it easily now.
Upgrade Pureforge or introduce an AA to hasten it or extend it.
AA Issues
Generally as mentioned above there are a few lines which we should ask for AA's to improve timers on, specific AA's
Disruptive Persecution - Reduce mana cost if not addressing other mana issues.
Overpowering Strikes - Cant get any stats on this, does it increase the MR modifier? It certainly doesn't raise stuns above the level cap. Discontinue please.
Yaulp - I can understand us not getting the cleric version, but its not addressing mana issues, it could use a tweak.
Both SK and Warrior got an AA line to increase damage on 2 handed weapons. This is a Pallies DPS weapon and we should have received it as well, otherwise the damage disparity will just get bigger and bigger. Even with this line we will still be behind both classes in DPS terms.
Overall Class Issues.
Mana - Mana levels are dropping faster than other classes when grouped, meaning downtime. It could do with being looked at.
Direction- Our heals cannot be as good as Clerics, Our tanking cannot be as good as warriors and we cannot be DPS! The last 2 expansions we seem to have a lot of heal spells. The class needs more of a focus. Pallies used to have more of a group benefit, buffs, short to medium term for the group from spells/discs or AAs.
Weaknesses and Strengths
Our strength has turned into our weakness! The game is DPS driven now. We get heals, thats our main strength, except we cant really fill the roll of group healer, so we cant be depended upon for that in a group dinamic. Once we had more benefit to a group, but thats no longer the case.
Wish list.
Replace Rejuvilating Steel, with a melee damage reflect buff. Buff can have a number or procs and/or a time duration. It can reflect part or all of the damage inflicted by a mob/mobs. The higher % of damage reflected the more useful it would be. If it had a finite number of procs/% of damage reflected I'd expect it to be increased by AA in future expansions.
I know we are not a dps class, but the game is getting more and more about dps. Upgrades/new lines should have a damage factor or if not should put the mob at a significant disadvantage or the player at a significant advantage.
Buffs. If we cant get DPS/Heals/ Or more effective tanking ability - we could look at beneficial group buffs - Short term buffs, to increase accuracy, AC, or avoidance. Bards form an orderline to complain here.
I'd like the 2 handed AA line that the other tank classes got this expansion.