by Abazzagorath » Tue Oct 02, 2012 10:41 pm
Here are the consolidated list of paladin aa ideas I sent to Elidroth months and months ago, taking stuff from my own opinions plus stuff people had posted on the sony forums and on these forums. Can use as a starting point for aa discussion maybe?
General AA
Extended ranks (self-explanatory)
Combat Agility
Combat Stability
Mystical Attuning
General Sturdiness
Delay Death
Stat and Resist Cap AA
Eyes Wide Open
Innate Corruption Protection
Mental Fortitude
Mystical Shield
Archetype AA
Extended Ranks:
Ageless Enmity - increase the +hate lead it gives on top of hate list reorder
Armor of Wisdom - more ranks always welcome
Burst of Power - ditto
Destructive Fury - ditto
Fury of Magic - ditto
Gift of Mana line - another rank, or redo the entire system
Shield Block
Spell Casting Mastery*** - really could use rank 4 of this like casters get
Veteran's Wrath
Enhanced Aggression
Mental Clarity
Expansive Mind
Finishing Blow
Healing Boon
Healing Adept
Healing Gift
Mental Stamina
Mastery of the Past* - modify this to reduce chance to fizzle on current spells instead of making it impossible to fizzle lower level spells, its outmoded as is due to spell inflation and lack of use of spells from prior expansions outside a few spells dot classes use
Mnemonic Retention - more spell gems always good
Mystical Attuning - give us some more of those unused buff slots
Class AA
Extended Ranks:
Armor of the Inquisitor
Beacon of the Righteous
Blessing of Life - needs a serious boost to power, the standard rank increase isn't cutting it with hp inflation
Blessing of Light
Blessing of the Faithful
Disruptive Persecution
Divine Call** Additional ranks that add +1 tick duration per rank
Fearless - add a second rank that makes us truly immune to all fear spells, i.e., will affect things that are marked unresistable since fearless is really a +1000000...% or whatever chance to resist, I assume this would need coding help
Fervent Blessing - 1 more rank, or 3 more ranks at 4 minutes each instead of 12
Force of Disruption
Gift of Life
Hand of Piety - modify this to allow it to crit again OR move the HoT portion to a different line so it actually lands on us and doesn't conflict with other heal over time spells
Hastened Beacon of the Righteous - 2 more ranks for 1 minute total
Hastened Deflection - 2 more ranks, we still run into events where we're forced to wait on knight deflection timers on raids
Hastened Piety - 2 more ranks for 8 minutes total
Hastened Projection of Piety - 1 more rank
Hastened Sanctification Discipline - 2 more ranks
Healing Light
Immobilizing Bash - Make additional ranks have a chance to bash stun mobs +1, +2, or +3 the PC level, otherwise don't add more, its a useless aa currently, always has been
Inquisitor's Judgement
Overpowering Strikes - Does this actually work? Does not seem to do anything, if it doesn't reduce mob resist rate from stuns, then its not doing anything that matters for us, and we don't need more ranks, if it does reduce the chance the mob will resist a stun spell, then more ranks are welcome
Physical Enhancement - Add 1-3 ranks for WAR, PAL, SK - the proliferation of heroics have greatly reduced the effective tanking ability of tanks vs non-tanks at the high end, some gappage added would be useful for raid and group content balancing
Shield of Brilliance - 3 ranks, add +3 seconds duration to each rank plus increase reflect chance so its effective
Slay Undead - Slay dps is stagnating is spell based dps increases and mob hitpoints increase, our spell dps is ~50% of our total dps now, we could use another couple ranks of slay, if nothing else for the eye candy, pacifying the clammoring for it, etc - not sure how needed it is with lack of undead, but its something people seem to want
Speed of the Knight
Tactical Mastery
Valorous Rage
Viscious Smash
Yaulp*** another rank with a bigger mana regen boost would be helpful
New Ideas/modified ideas:
AA version of Aura of the Crusader
Bloodthirsty Blade (call it Holy Blade)- most important if you add ranks to WAR/SK, which would further increase gap, is a concern of a lot of paladins, they don't want to fall behind because you're upgrading multiple extra attack lines, main thing would be to expect whining if that happens, so have the answer of "we're fixing the dps gap, regardless of number of swings you take" or whatever
Auroria Mastery - the ability to have two aura's up at once, which would allow us to click our "Circle of..." abilities without having to drop our aura every time
Track Undead - upgrade to sense undead that lets us track undead only (hey, I have to report what people ask for...)
Cripple Undead - an undead only aa debuff
Bash Modification - Something to greatly up the dps from bash so that its worth spamming or makes up for the push on raids that makes us ban using bash on most raids
Burst of XXX global recast - An aa that drops the long global recast that greys out all our spell gems after using that spell
Lead the Charge - a battle leap ability that requires leap of faith to be maxed
Hastened Divine Call - don't really see the need honestly
Hastened Speed of the Savior- yes please
Hastened Shield of Brilliance
PBAE aggro ability, instant cast, mob limit, share a timer with beacon, would really help to have a choice when stuck in middle of summoning ping ponging mobs
Preservation of XXX boost - AA line that increases the number of procs and the proc rate, it hasn't kept pace, and we figure since you always need new aa grind ideas and figure you're more likely to look at it than the spell development cycle will, we'd like to ask for something like this
Group Act of Valor - drops you to 1% health and heals group for 50k each
Spell Stun Resistance aa - like steadfast will, but affects spell stuns
Mounts - no new mounts, or if you do, something that isn't so "fancy", and drop the requirements on them all to the same as holy steed with no prereqs, no reason you need to be 90+ with several other horses purchased to get a mount