Progress with boxing/moloing

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Progress with boxing/moloing

Postby Saige » Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:09 am

Right now I'm moloing (using a merc) my shaman through LDONs and I'm closing in on 50 in just under 2 days played. I have a journeyman tank merc who is pretty much tearing up everything in his path in pulls of 2-3 without requiring healing. I pull between 1-3 mobs with a low level nuke, the merc grabs all the agro, and then dog-dog and I join in and melee down each mob one at a time. The only spells I'm really using are the low level nuke to pull, haste, and rage. If I come up against a caster/healer I'll drop all three DOTs I have on him.

The benefits I'm finding so far is that I'm getting great, steady EXP, quite a few defiant drops, and I'm able to keep grinding the exp with almost down time (apart from waiting for the ldon timer to reset between adventures). I'm also keeping my offense and weapon skills up fairly well. I'm still having a little trouble getting my defense up even though I let a mob or two pound on me (str, agi, and def are max'd at 255) and also that I keep forgetting to keep my spell skills up so I have to spend time in PoK practicing spells. The money that drops more than keeps up with the cost of the merc and several defiant pieces keep dropping each adventure.

Eventually I see a point where my merc tank might not be able to handle 2-3 mobs pounding on him. (please don't happen until the mid 60s! hehehe)

My future plan is that I can now use my shaman to level up the other classes on the other account. I don't know if this works yet or not but I figure I can buff the other account, shroud (sp?) down to their level and get the LDON and then let the other account molo through the ldon for fun and profit. Once they catch up, I'm hoping that any high level ldons will be do-able with two chars and 2 mercs to let me grind out the 60's and the AAs.

Thoughts and comments are welcome!
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Re: Progress with boxing/moloing

Postby Kruzar » Thu Apr 16, 2009 12:17 pm

Not put a damper on your plans, but at around mid-high 50's or so LDoNs stop being that great for xp. I know I did a lot of them when I was around that level, and eventually they become less worthwhile for doing. I still do them from time to time on my rogue for the drops, and just the fun factor... but the xp is not even an AA at lvl 80 for clearing the dungeon.

I will say that even at the higher level they are a pretty decent way to make some cash. Most of the mobs drop some PP, and there are a ton of tradeskill drops and such that sell for decent plat.
Kruzar- Kitty Rogue of 85 Seasons
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Re: Progress with boxing/moloing

Postby Saige » Thu Apr 16, 2009 12:38 pm

Thanks for the input! I'll probably continue the grind until I can'ts grinds no mores. Or at least I'll try and max out the adventurer's stone.
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