I know I'm in a destinct minority, but I don't rate Spiritual Channelling super high. This is more than likely influenced by a deeper mana pool than workaday shamans, so your mileage may vary. I've had Spiritual Channelling going on six or eight months or something, could count on one hand the number of times SC has been good for me, and still have enough fingers left to button my shirt. If you can't keep up while getting 100s (& 100s) of mana/tick from Canni, the clerics and druids don't stand a chance and your raid is going to wipe regardless. I think the correct path is something like:
Mental Clarity 3
First Part 2:
Level to 70.
Spell Casting Mastery 3 (10% mana savings on all spells, all the time. Shaman are a lot of things, but no matter what, we're casting spells. This AA makes you 10% better at
everything you do)
Critical Part 2:
If you haven't yet,
level to 70. Then get
Call of the Wild (AA rez)
Next, core enhancements:
Nothing to say about these. Get them and don't sass me, boy.
Natural Durability 3
Combat Agility 3
Spell Casting Reinforcement 3
Spell Casting Reinforcement Mastery
Break for utility good stuff:
Radiant Cure 1 (rank one is cheap and clears Tash / other minor things. further ranks are good, but good mostly if you're in the process of spending 46 more points to max it out. Just one rank for now.)
Virulent Paralysis 3 (Ask Grokii about how much better this gets being full ranks instead of just rank 1.

VP3 is the key that opens shaman cc & pulling functionality at high level. Don't do The Nest without it.)
Mnemonic Retention (ninth spell gem. nuf said.)
Spirit Call (every rank you get of Spirit Call and Advanced Spirit Call is good in proportion to aa spent. How far you go, and at what point in your aa path, is entirely up to you. This is not an enhancement of core shaman power)
Now, back to core enhancements.
This is the beginning of the long haul for shaman aa, and you'll get steadily and noticably more capable as you accumulate these. If you grind these out just hangin' in WoS or Creator missions, then one day you're in for a rude surprise when at the other end of this path you "suddenly" don't need to group with a cleric or a chanter any more except in the most challenging of content. Some folks say you should do these in expansion order to get bang-for-your-buck on power per aa point spent, others like finishing a whole line of aa before moving on to the next. It's just personal taste. In no particular order at this point:
Quick Buff 2 (assuming you have a Spell Haste focus. Rank 3 is good, I have it, but many opt not to spend 9aa on it right away since the gains don't stack well with spell haste focus for the last rank)
Healing Adept 3
Advanced Healing Adept 3
Healing Adept Mastery 3
Healing Gift 3
Advanced Healing Gift 3
Healing Gift Mastery 3
Healing Boon 3
Ancestral Aid 3
Expansive Mind 5
Where healing is concerned, boosting your core capability is much much more effective in the long term than tricks. Since I value consistency over flashiness, Adept ranks over Gift. The right answer to "Gift vs Adept" questions, though, is really "get both". Expansive Mind fits here because main healer situations are where you'll really appreciate the passive regen over time.
Lightning Reflexes 5
Reflexive Mastery 5
Combat Stability 3
Innate Defense 5
Defensive Instincts 5
Spell Casting Subtlety 3
Swift Journey 2
Mystical Attuning 5
Channelling Focus 3
Solo WoS & RCoD for fun & profit! Impress your friends! Survive groups with shitty tanks! THESE are the key! For the low low cost of 98 total AA (:shock:) you get to ask the question "but how good a tank is he?" when recruiting, since it's not a given that random-ass melee are better than you are. As an estimate, with equal levels of gear (i.e. Bazaar vs Bazaar , or Elem vs Elem), any character with full ranks of defensive aa tanks as well as a warrior without them. If there's a tank who doesn't meet your level of gear, they have to significantly outdo you in AA to be worth their salt. Mystical Attuning fits here because more buff slots let you fit cool stuff you couldn't before like AC buffs. Channelling because living or dying
very often depends on getting a Yoppa to resolve on yourself.
Damage AA:
Some damage AA you have already, without having thought about it. SCRM and Quick Buff are all the damage enhancement that Maw spells are going to get, and you already have those from way back
For our primary damage mode:
Critical Affliction 3
Improved Critical Affliction 3
Secondary Forte (Conjuration)
For our secondary (way secondary) damage mode:
AllthenukecritAAsIdon'tcareabout, rank 12
Raid AA:
These you'll get depending on how much you care about killing high end mobs with savage abilities that kill people:
Radiant Cure 3
Resplendent Cure 3
Hastened Curing 3
Mass Group Buff
Spiritual Channelling
With full ranks of curing, you'll have your ability available when you want it without waiting, and you'll be honestly surprised when detrimental effects don't fall off. At full ranks, it's pretty darn good at what it does. Watch out for rare crap like the Uqua AE with millions of counters, you'll never cure it and you can't cure anything that's past it on your buff list.
And... that's about it. That's the whole list of good shaman AA. Stats/resists cap AAs, Pet AAs, Tradeskill AAs come after. Then the +resist aa's, and you're finishing up with worthless crap like Call of the Ancients, Packrat, and Persistent Casting.
Happy hunting, shaman! It's a long road , but the power at the end... oh, the Power...