Perhaps some help from you soloing types. I'm working on this during weird hours when there's not many people on mainly, thus, I've soloed the first 5 skins I've regotten (yes, I had 8 of the 9 skins, then a patch removed the quest and I had to start over

I've killed the Wurine, Berserker, Undead, Evil Eye and Orc ones. I still need Kobold, Drachnid, Shiliskin and Brovik. In attempting a shiliskin, I found it summons. I believe the drachnid did too. I know for a fact the Brovik does. How do you deal with this. On the giant one, I don't see being able to do solo period (let alone finding a red con one up), but I'd like to think the others are.
I tried pet pulling using the 55 pet (green to me), it brought all the mobs. I know virtually nothing about pet pulling, I rarely have used my pet since level 61 or so (PoP PoI era, the last time I really tanked current content in teh face). From my understanding, a green con pet to me shouldn't do that. Or is the pet too high of level. The one time I tried the pet below that one, it brought 4, but they were intercepted by a spawn right on top of them. The pet, needless to say, was pwned quick (just like the 55 one). What am I sposed to be doing with this pet pulling and/or what am I doing wrong with it. I would get close enough to engage pet on red mob, send it in and back out to a near-by place I chose to fight at (hi Ragewind and Titanatron).
The drachnid casts a snare-like spell with some sort of dot component and the shiliskin can charm you from what I've seen. Don't know about the Kobold yet (they seemed to be rather rare today for some reason).
Also, anyone attempting to solo in the zone. If there is more than 15 or so people in the zone, forget it. Each person in the zone adds larger amounts of lag to the point where pulling is completely futile at around 35 or so people (mobs keep lagging back, moving, lagging back, etc...). This isn't a connection issue, I have a T1 line and never experience lag outside of this zone (and like once or twice in Elddar Forrest).
Any assistance you can provide would be really appreciated. Too bad the GM wouldn't fix my quest, I'm pretty sure there was a way they could have done it without saying 'Too bad so sad . . .'