The seven signets are dropped by various dragorns in different zones:
Crystal-Gemmed Signet: Riftseekers' Sanctum (Dragorn Battlemaster)
Discolored Signet: Sewers of Dranik (Cunning Dragorn)
Dust-Marred Signet - Catacombs of Dranik (Insidious Dragorn)
Glimmering Signet - Muramite Proving Grounds (Dragorn Tactician, who procs Dragornian Malady)
Tarnished Signet - Wall of Slaughter (Dragorn Mastermind, Dragorn Tactician)
Two-Toned Signet - Dranik's Hollows (Shrewd Dragorn, who procs Clinging Apathy, Deep Gouge, Dragornian Malady)
Weather-Worn Signet - Ruined City of Dranik (Dragorn Prodigy, who procs Dragornian Malady)
Hollows is definitely the easiest. Your group should be able to do it np, Especially if you get a lvl 65ish player to start an easier instance. Biggest trick here is getting to the spawn spot. Murks are undead and some see invis, rats/bats are normal and aggro now. Best thing now seems to be invis undead past the mirks and charge the bats/rats in the caves and kill them and then invis threw next room of murks.
Sewers and catacombs are interesting.
catacombs is a more difficult camp to hold solo or duo. Lots of mobs in the area including a couple named spawns. Probably possible to solo or duo buy killing at spawn spot but if you aren't careful your gonna get aggro on something else and train the hell outta yourself. It is easier to get to tho with a group. Nothing sees invis normally and no traps to worry about.
Sewers is almost the exact opposite. Dirt easy camp to hold duo or possibly even solo if you can get there but thats the hard part. Once your in camp spot you've got named ph and 1 wanderer to kill and thats it. Getting there is a pain tho. Just before you get to that there's a big room and a couple hallways full of murks. They are undead and usually at least a couple that will see threw invis. There's also a dragorn right in the middle of the mess you can't invis undead past all of it if you could even manage to get it up with out aggroing anything. If you where really lucky you could get one with no murks that saw threw invis and could invis there but it's not likely. Soloing to get there or boxing it with your group is probably not gonna happen. Hard to get single pulls and alot to kill on the way in.
Both Sewers and Cats are not as hard as folks make it.
For Cat, although the mob is in a room w/ a lot of mobs / roamers, if you kill the mob at spawn (or a few feet NE of spawn away from roamer path), you get no adds. Snare is curcial though.
For Sewers in the Murk instance, get some IVU potions. There is a tunnel between the Discodling and a rat and a 3spawn of murks. Hug the right wall in the tunnel and move as far back toards the murks as you can until the arch of the tunnel puts you out of sight of the murks. Cast IVU/Drink invis potion. Now you can run to the PH. One issue is that sometimes the murk roamer will be there. What I would do is run a mage in w/ a buffed pet and one pocketed. When I'm outside the PH hall, have pet follow, run in some and sic pet onto PH. The I would CoH Shaman to slow/heal pet and then my ranger. If the roamer is there, i'm pretty much screwed...
I did the Sewers and Cat signet yesterday for my twink and for another guildees twink warrior. As well as doing that, we got them every signet needed except I still need the RSS signet for my twink. Here is what I would suggest
First off, with your gear i think that it would be easy for you to tank a couple of them, as long as you have the cleric to heal you. With my gear, I was able to solo each one of them that I tried (didn't try RSS one). The DS one is of course going to be the easiest. I would suggest that you get the Watering Hole expedition. If you get this, and you are level 70, then you will only have to contend with two mobs - a roaming dragorn and a static ph - A blighted cave rat. It's real easy to kill. The ph is on the north/south section on your map that's about 3/4 of the way through the zone. First, just wait until the roamer roams away from the rat and kill him. Then you can just easily pull the rat into the middle of the hallway and kill him there. In all the times that I have done it, I have never gotten another add unless I got too close to the end of the hallway.
Now, the Catacombs one will be your next easiest. There is an easy way to do this, and a hard way. The easy way, is to find yourself a tracker, someone that can zone in, check the track, and then leave. When you get the instance from the Grand Historian, keep removing and exiting the expeditions until you get the one where the GH mention "Master of the Watch" in it. Once you get that one, have your tracker zone in and check track. You are looking for one of two things, either the ph (a Noc Scout) or the named (Insiduous Dragorn). If the scout is up, remove all from the expedition and repeat the process until you find the named up. He can spawn upon getting the expedition. I got lucky yesterday and got him twice in the first 5 expeditions that I checked track in. If he is up, run everyone into the zone. Make sure you buff everything. Now, I would suggest sending one person to check out the mobs that are up. Sometimes there are random see invis up, but they are only the rats. There is always going to be one right near the entrance and then one down the hallway about halfway to the named. Have that person check to see if they see invis. if not, then proceed to the named, but if they do, then you will have to find a way around the second one (will have to kill the first one) or kill them. Like Grendalkhan said, you can kill this named with no adds, but I would make sure that you it without using any pets, and I would watch the roamers and time it for when they are not pathing through. The ukuns that path through the area sometimes seem to have a larger agro radius than the other mobs, but it might just be me. Anyways, kill the mob, loot it quickly and immediately reinvis yourself and run back to the entrance, or evac.
As far as the sewers goes, I don't have as much experience at it, but here is what we got yesterday. Like it was said, you want to get into the Sewerc expedition. I think that it had the named "Dragorn Foreman" from the GH. Anyways, this one is just like almost all the sewers expeditions, and has an inordinate amount of traps. I would suggest taking along a rogue or a bard, someone that can check and remove the traps while you make your way through it. Once you get to the murkgliders is when it starts to get tough. We had a few see invis murks up once we got to that point. You will prob need to clear out those see invis mobs. So, I would suggest that once you reach the murks, have a few tanks there just in case. We had I think at one point four adds, but the group that I was with (me, a botted guild ranger, a botted warrior, another guild shaman and a guild cleric) were easily able to handle tanking one a piece if needed. The point is, you will have to clear a few of them and they can be rough. Once you get past these first murks though, I don't think that anything else sees invis, although I would check it. The ph in here is a static stoneworker, and he spawns directly in front of a downslope just past a large room. He will basically be single. There are murkgliders that roam around that large room and might get in the way of you pulling him, since they have a fairly larget agro radius. There will also be a roaming murkglider that roams down to the other end of the hallway that you will have to clear too. At most, you should never have more than 2 - 3 mobs that you have to worry about at any one time here.
I've done the cat signet mob a lot of times for various guildee/app/twinks. In my time there, I've done the method I mentioned most of the time. Originally when we first started camping signets, we would get the instance and then spend the day in there trying to get the signet dude to spawn. One day by chance, we got the instance and he was already up, and ever since then that's all we have done.
What I would suggest is that if you can do it, set up six people to do it. Have two groups of three, and keep two people getting the instances and two others to zone into each one and check it out. That way it takes half as much time to find a named.
I did mention that sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don't. It's very very easy to do if you get lucky. One time it took about 1hr 15 min to find a single named up with two groups getting the instances. The other day when I did it for my twink we got 2 up in 5 instances.
The biggest thing I would say is that you need someone that's extremely quick and good and gettin people into and out of the expedition, and someone that can zone in and check tracking instantly and tell if the ph or named is up. I got a lot of experience at getting instances and removing people quickly from them while farmin spells in the Barindu sewers during the GoD days, so for me, it takes me about 3 seconds to remove everyone and get a new expedition. So, by the time that the tracker is finished zoning back out of the the old expedition, he normally has a new one to zone back into.
The number of people in the group doesn't matter much either. It's better prob to keep a lower number of people in the group, cause sometimes there is a bit of lag when removing people and besides, the named is extremely easy to kill once you find him up. You would need more people in the expedition to try to keep the area clear without using this method, because there are many many mobs in the room with very high agro radius, and there are a lot of roamers moving in between where you would have to set up camp and where he spawns. That's why it's just easier to zone in and kill him then run back out.